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Vintage & Modern Fishing Tackle and related items
Venue address
Unit 7 Cedar Court
Halesfield 17
Telford, Shropshire
United Kingdom
Vintage & Modern Fishing Tackle and related items

Live Online Bidding Only

Auction dates
Nov 20, 2024 09:30 AM GMT
Nov 21, 2024 09:30 AM GMT
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We found 58 items matching your search
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Scarce Beswick Perch Model No.1875, in good condition - #12cm x17cm
Beswick Black Bass Model No.1485, in good clean condition.14cm x 15cm
Beswick Golden Trout No.1246, with repair to tail fin - #15cm x 25cm
Beswick Trout No.1390, 8cm x 10cm, in good condition.
White Metal Filigree Fish Case, with jointed head, #14cm tall
1811 William Weston Georgian Hallmarked Silver London Fish Server, #130g
2x Oriental Bronze Cast Fish and a Silverplated Fish Letter Rack (3)
Four Metal & Brass Fishing Priest/Marrow scoop, all unnamed priests, (4)