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Vintage & Modern Fishing Tackle & related items
Venue address
Unit 7 Cedar Court
Halesfield 17
Telford, Shropshire
United Kingdom
Vintage & Modern Fishing Tackle & related items

Live Online Bidding Only

Auction dates
Nov 22, 2023 09:30 AM GMT
Nov 23, 2023 09:30 AM GMT
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By appointment only
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There are 1465 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
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BB the Fisherman's Bedside Book Signed 1st edition H/b with D/j G
30 GBP
The Second British Carp Study Group Book signed copy, 1975 P/b with 3 signatures G
60 GBP
The Third British Carp Study Group Book signed copy, 1980 P/b with 3 signatures G
1958 BB A Carp Water (Wood Pool) 1st edition book with D/j
85 GBP
Buller, F -
65 GBP