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36,000 GBP
30,000 - 40,000 GBP
Timed auction
Lot location
TELFORD, Shropshire

Fantastic opportunity to own a highly desirable watercraft AND support a much needed charity - the Royal National Lifeboat Institution - RNLI.

Up for auction :

Saxdor Sport 200 Boat with accompanying Trailer

Combining the simplicity of a jet ski with the safety and comfort of a compact boat. A 20ft outboard powered personal watercraft that proves affordable boating does not mean compromising on quality, seakeeping, versatility, performance or styling.

Manufactured in 2022 and has only been run for a test and photoshoot. 

Spec included:

  • Powered by a Mercury F115 Pro XS
  • Side by side seating and bench seating for 4 persons, with blue hull and tangerine upholstery
  • Targa arch and soft top
  • Front deck cushion
  • Swim ladder
  • Harbour covers
  • Transom gates
  • Simrad GO9 XSE includes mercury vessel view link

Standard features included:

  • Large front deck hatch with gas springs and security holder
  • Jockey seat for 3 persons with backrests and lock
  • Handles and cleats
  • Hydraulic steering (Ultraflex)
  • Standard steering wheel
  • Navigation lights
  • Bilge pumps
  • 100L fixed fuel tank with sensor
  • Fire extinguisher storage with fire port
  • Gelcoat deck on the large compartment hatch
  • Soft deck on the lower deck
  • Soft deck on the side deck
  • Front deck cup holders
  • Hull stickers
  • Adjustable windshield
  • Cup holders in console
  • 12 V outlet in console
  • Storage bag below the steering wheel
  • Mercury Vessel View mobile
  • Horn

The Boat comes with the accompanying trailer a warranty in full as standard and MUST BE COLLECTED WITHIN 2 WEEKS FROM IdealBoat, Pwllheli, LL53 5YQ. 

The boat was generously donated by IdealBoat of Pwllheli and bidders now have a rare opportunity to own this highly desirable watercraft, safe in the knowledge they will be contributing directly to the RNLI. Founded in 1824 the RNLI have saved over 143,000 lives, with dedicated volunteers at the heart of it all.

All the money raised from the auction will be shared between Pwllheli and Abersoch RNLI, ensuring the volunteer crews on the Llyn Peninsula can continue saving lives at sea this summer. Local volunteers are thrilled that the company have gone overboard in support of the RNLI charity.

Alison Hayes, Pwllheli RNLI Fundraising Chair, said:

“Pwllheli and Abersoch RNLI are delighted by this extremely generous donation from IdealBoat. The money raised will go towards the training and equipment needed to support the volunteer crew who give up their time for the charity which saves lives at sea. We really are incredibly grateful.”

Neville Williams, Managing Director at IdealBoats Pwllheli, said:

“We take to the water for pleasure; the brave volunteers at the RNLI do so to save lives. We donated the Saxdor 200 to demonstrate our real appreciation for all that they do.”

Viewing is highly recommended and available by appointment only. Further details to be confirmed and added.

TIMED SALE on behalf of RNLI Charity
Venue address
7 Cedar Court
Halesfield 17
TELFORD, Shropshire
United Kingdom
TIMED SALE on behalf of RNLI Charity

Saxdor Sport 200 Boat for sale with proceeds going to RNLI charity

Auction dates
Starts: Jun 09, 2023 09:00 AM BST
Ends from: Jul 02, 2023 06:00 PM BST
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Auction currency
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A/F       = As Found                               A          = Average                     A/G      = Average to Good

CB        = Cloth Bag                              C/W      = Complete With           DJ        = Dust Jacket

DW       = Dust Wrapper                        E          = Excellent                    F          = Fair

F/G       = Fair to Good                          G          = Good                                     HB        = Hardback

M         = Mint                                       MB       = Makers Box               MCB     = Makers Cloth Bag

MOB     = Makers Own Box/Bag             MX       = Mixed Collection        P          = Poor

POF     = Prince of Wales Feathers        SB        = Softback                   SMF     = Smooth Faced

S/S       = Steel Shafted                                     VG       = Very Good                 #         = Approximate


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